Thursday, March 3, 2011


I love it when Leila wakes up for the day in the morning. 
She always wakes up with a huge smile on her face. She is perfectly content just chillin' in her crib, talking to herself, until I come get her. Sometimes she'll wake up crying from a nap. 
But it never fails...every morning she wakes up with a smile and is always happy to see me. Makes my morning.

This isn't the best picture.

"Mom, unless it's plastic I don't want to eat it".

That's gotta be what Leila's thinking everyday when I feed her. We tried fruit this week. Um...don't think she cared for it too much. She gave me the same disgusted look she gives me when we feed her veggies. Wasn't a big fan of fresh bananas, apples with apricots, or applesauce.

We also tried yobaby banana dice. Mum Mum's...not having that either.
I don't understand how she can put EVERYTHING in her mouth and gnaw on it for hours (toys, tissue, books, binky, anything and everything), but if its food or has any sort of taste, she'll spit it right out.

That's banana yogurt she's spitting out...and I must say it's delicious!
I think we have one picky girl on our hands. I shouldn't be surprised. Eric and I BOTH were picky eaters (but eventually grew out of it). As a youngster (elementary age), I was so picky I didn't eat my mom's delicious home cooked meals. Many nights I'd resort to having cereal for dinner. The memory is so clear, the whole family would be gathered around the table eating whatever delicious meal my mother prepared and I'd be eating my cold bowl of cereal. Lame, right? I hope Leila isn't as picky as I was as a kid.

Now on to Eric.
Whenever his parents would go out for Chinese, they'd have to stop and buy him McNuggets or KFC. He would eat his fast food at the embarrassing! I guess you do what you gotta do to get your children to eat. 
Leila, we are going to introduce you to many different types of food early, Thai, Japanese, Indian, etc. so I hope you're ready for it!

And since we've started solids her poops are foul! Oh my goodness, she has the stinkiest bum on the planet. I miss the days when I would confuse her poops for buttered popcorn. When I was nursing, I could throw those poopy diapers in the garbage and the smell wouldn't be a problem at all. Now, the diaper genie is a MUST.

1 comment:

  1. love this post b/c 1) the one reason i don't like taking the bus to work is b/c i don't get to see jadie's smile first thing in the morning b/c i leave too early 2) i was just telling my friend that baby poop kind of smells creamy in a way, but buttered popcorn IS an accurate comparison!! and 3) solid food poops are the worst! we finally got a diaper pail a couple weeks ago.

    p.s. want to meet at the golds gym hot tub sometime soon? i do. perhaps we should do our visiting teaching there
