Sunday, March 20, 2011



It felt like we went on a mini vacation because we stayed at Grandma and Grandpa Fuessel's since Wednesday night. We couldn't stay away from the wedding festivities and all the family that was in town. Well, it's Sunday and it's time to head back home. Back to reality (no helping hands) and back to normal sleep schedules.

The night of the wedding, Leila was only able to take one nap. She usually takes 3. There were just too many distractions at the wedding (music, noise, people). We tried everything; swaddling, pack-n-play, car seat, nothing got my princess to get some z's. Thankfully, grandma and grandpa took her home around 9:00 from the wedding. On the way down the canyon she projectile vomited 4 times. It got everywhere, all over her, her car seat, and grandma. My poor baby girl! We think she was car sick, and I'm sure the lack of sleep didn't help either. Luckily Kimberly - a nurse - was there to help and they had to pull over a couple times to take care of the princess. She didn't sleep very well that night. But the next 2 nights that little girl slept like a rock, 12 hours straight! She also took 2 very long naps during the day. All that partying was exhausting.

But Leila did have a ball playing with her cousin Audrey. She took her very first bubble bath. Leila loved the bubbles and wouldn't stop splashing. We still bathe Leila in the tub for the's just easier and she still loves it. But I think we'll start bathing her in the real tub. She'll be able to splash around without getting us and the kitchen floor drenched.

1 comment:

  1. Love these photos with the shifting focus...what a great momemt!
