Tuesday, March 22, 2011


Leila has started jabberin' "MOMMA"!! Ok, it varies from "mum mum" and "ma ma". About 2 weeks ago she started pronouncing her "M's". Yesterday she clearly said "momma" and pretty much said it all day long. I couldn't get enough of hearing AND seeing her say it. Can there really be a more pleasing sound than hearing your daughter say "momma" for the first time? I think not. Music to my ears I tell ya. This morning she woke up saying "ma ma ma ma". I got out of bed so fast because I just wanted to hold my baby girl and answer to my call. It seriously melted my heart. I'm not quite sure if she knows what she's saying, but she said my name all the same. I couldn't be a more PROUD mom.

She looks like such a big girl in these pictures...I just love those shiny chunky cheeks!

Tonight was Greg and Shasta's last night in Utah. Tomorrow they head back to Alaska until October when they move back for good! There was a TON of leftover food from the wedding so our services were required to help them kill it (along with the rest of the fam-damily). We'll miss you Greg and Shasta.

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