Friday, March 11, 2011

8 months

Dear Leila,
You are 8 months today. I'm so proud of myself and your dad for making it this far, not that I ever doubted that we would but we had no idea what we were doing. When you were born, during those first few weeks, we could hardly imgaine making it past a couple months. I remember talking to a mother with an 8 month old and remember thinking how huge he looked. Now you're 8 months and are so big but in my eyes you are still my little baby and it's until I look back at your "baby" pictures that I realize how much you really have grown.

You are definitely developing your own little will. You want to grab everything in sight and aren't satisfied until you do. You've discovered rolling over both ways and it's your new mode of transportation. You always know when I've got my back turned - that's when you'll do your best to attempt to roll off the bed. I almost cried with you. Luckily, our bed is low so it was a short fall. You cried it out for a min and were back to your self in no time.

Sleep is something you don't mind. You nap every two hours and take your naps and go to bed without a fight (most of the time). It took some training and hard work but you're such a good little sleeper. Sometimes you wake up around 5am-6am to eat but for the most part you sleep 10-11 hours straight. You love routine and if you get thrown off your schedule you aren't happy one bit. So we're trying to push you to nap every 3 hours, I think you'll get the hang of it real soon.

Last week was your last official week of breast milk. I'm sad but I'm very proud of the both of us for making it this far. Solids have been a struggle and you're coming around. I'm happy that you've stopped spitting out your food (these last 2 days anyway).

You loving singing and dancing around the house with mommy and love being thrown on the bed (gently). I'm so lucky to get to spend every minute with you. You are napping now (your second 2 hour nap of the day) and I miss you already.

We are so excited to see you grow up and meet every new milestone in your path. I know by next month you'll be crawling all over the place, talking more and eating new foods.

Your daddy and I love you very much.


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