Friday, March 18, 2011



You would never know that Greg and Shasta put this party together on their own.... it was absolutely off the HOOK!

Tucked away in the trees just at the base of Crest at Brighton is the Wasatch Mountain Club Lodge.  Greg and Shasta had taken us by the place earlier last Fall... but if we hadn't been there before I swear we never would have known it was there, even though it's only about a 50 foot hike above the Brighton Lodge.

This place is everything you'd picture an apres ski lodge to be; log-cabin style walls, huge fireplace, and about 20 beds upstairs for all your peeps to crash for the weekend.

Although their announcement said "winter wedding" a disclaimer saying "wear your freakin' boots" may have been more appropriate :)  I only slipped twice....

There were lots of helping hands to carry the loads of food and goodies up the hill.  

The  second floor of the lodge is the designated sleep area, complete with  "his" and "hers" separate entrances and stairs down to the main floor.  Made for a perfect area for last minute touch ups before the bride and groom got the party started.  Shasta had a posse of girls helping her get ready (including me) and Greg suited up while Eric helped him tie a full windsor in his hand-made tie, and Cass hooked him up with a stealth microphone.
Getting ready right before she heads downstairs.

Greg with his niece (one of the flower girls) and nephew (the ring bearer). Tender moment.

The lodge was PACKED!  We had a great vantage point from behind the groom for some candid shots!

Somebody's ready to party...

We must have taken 15 shots in a row and didn't get Leila to look up once. This was the best turnout. 
Natalie (Eric's sister) and her husband Dave flew in from Pleasanton, CA for the festivities
Eric's cousin Joel seems to be listening intently to what his mother and aunt Eileen have to say.
Eric's oldest sister Kimberly with her very exhausted daughter Audrey
There were sooooo many babies at this wedding too!  I couldn't believe how many peeps in Greg and Shasta's friends and family have babies.  Guess it's about time they jump on the train too eh?

Check out them boots!

The SECOND most anticipated event of the night was "last chair, first run as husband and wife". Part of what Greg and Shasta really loved about choosing their wedding location was to be able to have their friends ride-in and ride-out of their celebrations... and with being slope-side, who wouldn't?!  A whole posse of peeps with their gear on hand suited up to join the bride and groom for a night run on Crest!

Yes.  That is Shasta strapping in with her full wedding garb!

I can't wait to see the video that Cass shot of the bride and groom snowboarding with all their friends that night!

After their run it was back to the party for the after-party.  Greg's friend Scott plays guitar for The Rubes and he hooked up the evening's entertainment.  The Rubes ROCK!

At the end of the night it was pretty awesome to see the parking lot of snowboards as we began our decent down to the car.  We loved partying with them and wished we could have stayed til the very end, but we had a baby back at Grandma's to get home to.

It was such a fun night and most definitely one of the most unique wedding's I've ever been a part of.  It's funny that the party was both unique, but expected... in the way that this is the ONLY way I could have imagined them getting married.  It suited them perfectly! We love you Greg and Shasta and welcome you to the Married Peoples' Club!

P.S. Happy 5 year anniversary to us. We will celebrate next weekend!


  1. LOVE the wedding pics! What a blast! And it was totally them :)

  2. What a fun wedding! The moon boots are freakin' awesome!

  3. Wow it's a fun white wedding full of snow and joy, I am cold just looking at all that snow, at the same time it makes me feel warm just seeing all the family full of joy. Beautiful gorgeous family.Now Eric and Cynthia have fun celebrating your 5th wedding anniversary. Love you all.
