Sunday, April 17, 2011


Parent's Choice formula is Wal-Mart's generic version of Enfamil. It's a TON cheaper than Enfamil and all the ingredients are exactly the same - the comparison to both formula's are on the back of the container. Leila is particular to Enfamil and didn't notice a difference when we gave her the other brand. We were stoked because Parent's Choice is about 1/3 the price! 

A few days later we noticed Leila's bowels were out of whack, I soon realized it was the formula. Turns out Enfamil, Similac, and Nestle Good Start all use a certain powder where Parent's Choice uses oil. It's the same ingredient just in different form. That's why its so much cheaper. Most babies are not sensitive to this slight difference, for those that are it can cause constipation. It was worth a shot, but back to Enfamil we go.


  1. Oh man, I feel your pain about forking out the money for formula. I've had to bottle-feed both of my babies the whole time because I am on medication that taints my breast milk, boo! Anyway, formula is like liquid gold and my big, healthy babies chug. it. down. I was just calculating the cost and between the two of them they have sucked down an extimated $5800 in their short little lifetimes...but they are so totally worth every penny!

  2. Oh no! I'm glad you got to the bottom of the constipation. No fun!
