Sunday, April 3, 2011


My favorite part about the Sunday session of General Conference is that we get to sleep in, lounge in our pj's all day, and make these:

It's become our family tradition to make pull aparts 3 times a year: General Conference and Christmas morning. Eric's family makes these babies on Christmas day. They are too delicious to only make once a year so we had to up it. 

There was something I loved about EVERY talk I listened to. I wanted to keep pausing the TV so I could write every last quote. Luckily, the Ensign will come out and I can highlight the heck out of it. 

Greg, Jalaine and the kiddos left today. It was so good to have them was just like old times: staying up late, playing question of the day, and just plain chillin'! We love them and would LOVE to have them move back here!


  1. how did you find something to like out of EVERY talk?! not b/c they were bad talks... but b/c of having baby!

  2. Erin...the key words in that sentence are "every talk that I LISTENED TO". I didn't listen to every talk because I DO HAVE an almost 9 month old. Thankfully, we have a DVR and can watch the many talks we missed. I have some catching up to do with general conference :)

  3. Holy yum yum! That looks so amazing.
