Thursday, April 7, 2011

The Amazing Race

Ever since Eric saw THE AMAZING RACE, he and Greg have been dying to apply for show. They've been talking about it for a while. I didn't know how serious they were until this past weekend when the 4 of us seriously talked about for real. After having many thoughtful conversations about whether this is the right thing for our family, and after discussing the pros and cons, we decided to just GO FOR IT! Why not? I support you Eric. This is an opportunity of a lifetime! Work already gave him the go ahead to take a month off work so at least that's covered. His boss wants him to go because he said if he wins, he'll have to give him a cut.

The deadline to mail in your application for season 19 passed. But the door hasn't closed yet. They are holding live auditions in Texas at the end of this month. Eric and Greg bought the plane tickets on Monday and are headed to Austin for a chance to be on the AMAZING RACE and WIN ONE MILLION DOLLARS.

I am so excited for he and Greg to experience this together. We've spent hours online researching everything there is to know about the show. We've looked at countless YouTube videos of audition tapes and casting calls to get an idea of what these kids are in for. There are thousands of people that apply to be on the show so their chances are very slim. We can't let that scare us because the chances are slim for everyone and you never know if you've got what they're looking for. They need to take a chance. Even if they don't make it, the experience of going to Austin, camping out, meeting other teams, and auditioning in front of the camera would alone be an unforgettable experience.

Now, I think if they pull the Mormon card in the audition, that can raise their chances. The show casts people that are different and that will get people talking. The more that people talk about the show, the more people watch it. Casting Mormon's on the show will definitely get people talking. This season the show has cowboys, goths, someone who is hearing impaired, and someone who has Asperger's. I think Mormons will fit in quite nicely. Under some circumstances, I'm sure Eric and Greg will be forced to skip some challenges and take a penalty. In this season, the contestants had to drink tea for a challenge and in seasons past they had to drink beer...I'm sure the show would love to see how these kids face challenges that go against the teachings of their religion.

Another reason I think they'll do great on the show is because Greg and Eric make a perfect team. They're really smart and would do awesome on the challenges. Not to mention how funny they are when you put both of them together. Plus, with Eric's Tagalog and Greg's Spanish skills, they got this! I don't see them getting too sick of each other either. I know they'll be great together and to be honest, I don't trust anyone else but Greg. They've got each others back. Lets just hope they can portray all these things on camera at the auditions. Any ideas are welcome.

There's no sense in worrying about anything until we know if they become finalists. But let's say Eric and Greg do make it, I'm not going to lie and say its going to be easy. I'm crazy if I don't have my hesitations or concerns. I'm the biggest worry wort on the planet and the fact that the contestants are forbidden to speak to their family (only at select times) will make this adventure that much harder. Eric is an amazing man and family comes first to him. He will make sure Leila and I are taken care of before he makes a decision to leave us for a month. I'm also glad I won't be going thru this alone, Jalaine and I are in this together and we've had our time to talk about it too.

So the stipulation is: if Eric and Greg make it on the show I get to go home for a month. I'm not going to stay in Utah all by myself, bored, alone, and with that much time on my hands to sit and think about Eric (and worry if he's ok, when I'll be able to talk to him, where in the world he is, etc.). I joked that we need to implant a GPS locator in his body so I can know where he is at all times. I already looked into it - and the little implant can cause cancer so I guess that's out...shucks! Ha ha....I kid, I kid! See the crazy things my mind comes up with...yeah, I need to be distracted and busy. California is the perfect place for that. I talked to my boss to see if I can possibly take a month off - he's gonna get back to me. Who knows, this may not even happen, but I want to make sure all the bases are covered.

I've got one more thing to add...Eric will miss commencement to apply on the show. I'm a little sad because the day of my graduation was one of the proudest days of my life. Read it on my blog HERE. I want Eric to experience that moment (and I want the memory of being in the crowd, holding our little girl, and cheering him on too). But I understand that he'd prefer to miss graduation for the opportunity of a life time.

He asked this question on facebook, "Question of the day: an opportunity to try out for your favorite tv show lands on the day of your college graduation. Do you skip it merely for the chance to audition?" All 19 comments said skip commencement. Why am I alone on this one? Is commencement not a big deal to toher people? I guess not! Ok Eric, you win. I support you either way!

I'm so excited for the possibility...go win us some money and vacations babe!

What do you think of this possibility? Are you fans of the show? Would you support your husband if he wanted to put his life on hold for an experience of a lifetime? Is Eric crazy?
I'd love to hear your thoughts.


  1. Can you believe it's finally happening?! They've been talking about it for years! I love how everyone is all about them going, it's awesome. I told Greg he better make it on the show and win some trips because we all want to travel together... perfect opportunity haha I was thinking about going to CA as well, I'm the same as you I need to keep myself busy. I think they have a great shot at getting on but there are so many that audition so we'll see. Greg also has his stories about being "banned" from places so that'll add to the Mormon mix LOL Did you know that one of Gregs Dad's friend made it on the show, I think in the earlier seasons. Crazy! I can't wait till their auditions I want to know what happens now!!!

  2. Totally go for it! That sounds amazing! I applied to be on the show once... and I will again one day when my husband gets a US passport!

    I think it would be so awesome to watch your husband on TV!!! I sure hope he makes it!

  3. My brother is crazy. But I wouldn't want him any other way. :)

  4. I love this! Spence and I applied once. (Back before video auditions.) Obviously we didn't get chosen, but it was fun just to wonder for a little while. Spencer is missing his graduation for a life changing chance too. He is flying to St. Louis to speak at the National Business Educators Conference. I'm so proud of him. I'm proud of Eric too. What a leap of faith! I love it!

  5. Shut up. You guys are too funny! Eric would be so awesome for that show. We'd root for him all the way! Keep us posted, and good luck Eric! Totally pull the mormon card :)
