Tuesday, April 5, 2011


I hear there's a stomach flu going around (source: my pediatrician). On Sunday morning when Leila woke up for her early morning feeding, she projectile vomited everywhere after she finished her bottle. She soaked our bed, the floor, and my slippers. An hour later so woke up crying and it had turned out she threw up again in her crib. It was a bad morning for the princess. She had a fever of 101.8! We gave her Tylenol and the fever went away but came back later that night and the next day.

I called my pediatrician on Monday and spoke to the nurse. I gave them her symptoms: vomiting, fever, lack of desire to eat, runny nose. The nurse said to give her tylenol for the fever every 4 hours. She also said to give it 5 days and if she doesn't get better then to come in on Thursday. Well, the next day wasn't much better...

Leila was still throwing up about every time she drank her milk (not when she at solids). I called my pediatrician again early this morning and spoke to the same nurse. She said, "oh, well if she's vomiting then she shouldn't be drinking dairy including formula". Really? You couldn't have told me this yesterday?!? She said to give Leila pedialyte or watered down grape or apple juice. Great, I didn't have any of these items and today's my all day shift at work. I'm in the office from 8:30-6:30 and can't leave. Luckily, Emily came to my rescue and picked up some pedialyte AND apple juice for me. Thanks em...you saved the day! I put some pedialyte in a bottle and she hated it. I gave her some apple juice and she wasn't having that either. I finally gave her some pedialyte thru a straw and she drank about an ounce that way. Leila wasn't getting enough fluids in her body and didn't have very many wet diapers. Instead of having a full diaper when she woke up, it was just a little wet. I was so concerned. She just looked so drained and not herself. I didn't know what to do. I called my sister because she always has the answer. She came up with the brilliant idea of diluting her food with pedialyte. Genius. It totally worked!

I have a lot to do in the office and Leila needs lots of attention. Sometimes its hard juggling work and a baby. Add sick baby to that and I don't know what to do. Obviously, Leila comes first and is more important but I still need to get my work done and help tenants as they come in.

When my father-in-law, Mike, heard that Leila was sick he came down right away. He is in the process of finding a job and I'm so thankful he made the time to come down and watch Leila. Mike was such a huge help, he was able give Leila the attention she needed while allowing me to get my work done. I really don't know how I would have done it without him. Thanks a million Mike!

1 comment:

  1. Oh no/yuck! I am dreading the day Max gets the stomach flu. I cannot stand throw up. Hope she got over that quickly, and so nice to have the extra help! Poor little love :(
