Saturday, April 30, 2011


Really, Salt Lake? I know the weather is extremely unpredictable in Utah but tomorrow is May. The sun should be shining, the birds chirping, and the flowers blooming. Well, so much for that because we woke up to 6 inches of snow this morning. I think the entire northern state is ready for Spring to make its appearance. I'd like to be wearing my flippity flops and summer dresses and run in my new jogger without worrying about the weather being too cold... but on the positive note, I know it'll be melted by morning and it sure does look beautiful, doesn't it?
Eric comes home today and we're so excited, we missed him tons. My in-laws invited Leila and I to spend some time with them while Eric was gone, I must say it was nice to have the company because we all had fun playing with Leila. 
Eileen had Leila play in the hamper, I mentioned that she couldn't pull herself up yet so she should be fine but we still kept a close eye on her. Well I spoke too soon because I turned my head for 2 seconds and when I looked back up this is what I saw:
Not even kidding, seriously 2 minutes after I said she can't pull herself up yet she did! I'm sure she was thinking I'll show you mom! She's been attempting to pull herself up lately but hasn't quite figured out how to use those muscles...until now. Of course, I had to be looking the other way. I freaked out and almost went to grab her because I didn't want her to topple over (especially onto the tile), but just got close and let her bask in her accomplishment. I called Eileen to look over and we were both so proud of her. 

We moved her onto the carpet to see if she would show Mike what she just learned but I think she forgot how she did it. She eventually remembered and I made sure to guard the basket but she still managed to topple over and BAM, right into my salad. Hey at least it broke her fall.  

I can't look at this picture without laughing. My salad went everywhere and the fork went flying. Leila belted out screaming, tears streaming down her face. I scooped her up and when we saw what was on her face the three of us busted out laughing. I felt so bad but it was just too funny. The first thing Mike said was, "Do you want me to get a photo of that?" ha ha, I was thinking the same thing. Sorry Leila. Please don't think I'm a horrible mother when you read this. 

Leila has 4 new things to show daddy today:
1. she mastered doing to motorboat
2. she has TWO teeth poking through those gums
3. can do "so big"
4. can pull herself up


  1. isn't it amazing watching them learn new things? i love it! and I would have laughed too. it is a funny picture

  2. haha i love it! "i'll show you mom!"
