Saturday, June 11, 2011

11 months

To my Leila,

You are eleven months now. Almost a year. Only one more month before your 1st birthday. We've already started planning your party. I'm sure there will be lots of balloons, too many photographs, and lots of adults standing around watching you destroy a cake. This will be a monumental occasion. Your first year of life! You made it. We made it. And better yet we all fell very much in love.

I'm in awe that 11 months can hold so much change, challenges, developments and lessons. Not that I can pretend to know exactly what I'm doing most of the time but I feel a bond between the two of us and I hope I'm in tune enough to know your wants and needs.

The most significant highlight from this past month is that you started crawling! You took a little longer to do it but you needed to get it down just right. The second you realized how to coordinate those arms and legs you took off and haven't looked back. Your father and I love watching you and crack up every time the front door opens because you crawl frantically for the outside.

Since you've started to crawl and get into things I've had to use the word "no" countless times. You're definitely learning the word and every time your daddy or I say "no" you stop what you're doing and look at us. Sometimes you test your limits but you've caught on pretty quickly and now stay away from the computer cords under the desk.

You're a good little eater (most of the time) and love feeding yourself. You're favorite foods are quesadillas, string cheese, bread, graham crackers, banana coconut pancakes, and you still love baby food. I think your favorite food will be Mexican because you love anything with cheese and tortillas. We love watching you snatch up your food and shove it in your mouth. You absolutely love drinking through a straw! You get so excited when you see a straw and usually drink too much too fast. Water is your favorite beverage. However, since we've come back from California you've gone through this phase where you only like to drink 3-4 ounces of milk where you used to drink 6 ounces every 3 hours. Are you just growing out of drinking milk and relying more on eating normal foods?

Leila, I just want to thank you for making me a mom. I seriously can't imagine a better thing to do with my life. This time last year I was hugely pregnant and nervous with the anticipation of what was to come. I wish I could go back and tell that scared, pregnant lady that she'd be more in love than she ever thought possible and that she'd have the sweetest little girl in the world.

Lots of love and kisses,


1 comment:

  1. What she's crawling???!!!! Yeah Leila!!! Oh goodness, I'm sure you are on your toes now :) How's the party planning going?! I can't wait to see pictures! I can't believe our babies are 1 (almost), we have loved seeing Leila grow up over the last year on your blog, thanks for sharing all your stories, memories, and pictures!
