Friday, June 17, 2011


There's nothing better than starting off your day with an early morning run outside. I feel like I've already accomplished something and my day starts off right. Leila and I have started running in the mornings and she can last about 45 minutes in the jogger. Monday we did 3 miles, today we did 4.  My goal is to add a mile-ish each week and keep my time around 45 min - 1 hr.

I enjoy running without music because it's my time to think and reflect:
-I want to be the type of mother that always has time for her children
-I want to go to bed at a decent time every night and work out everyday (I'll never regret working out but will regret not working out).
-I want to have dinner on the table most nights and learn how to sew clothes for the babe.
-I want to strengthen my photography skills
-I want to have time to lift others up around me
-I want to be a better mother/wife/daughter/sister/aunt
-I want to wake up early and make good use of my time

1 comment:

  1. is this the provo trail? i sure hope you are not running on this with leila!!! there are CREEPOS!!!

    when do you go? i almost texted you yesterday when jadie was taking a nap to see if you guys wanted to go. let me know sometime. i dont have a jogger but i have a husband that stays at home when shes napping and two feet!
