Thursday, June 16, 2011


Leila Mae - 2 weeks old
Leila can be so unpredictable at times. Sometimes she'll sleep through the night and other times she won't. She's been going through this phase where she doesn't go down right away for her bedtime, she'll just pull herself up and stand at the edge of her crib, crying at the top of her lungs waiting for us to come get her. We've gotta let her cry it out otherwise this will be an ongoing game.

Last night she woke up at 10:30 and 12:30.  I don't know what her deal was but something must have been bugging her because this isn't normal behavior. Right when I thought she was finally down for the night, she woke up again. Maybe it's the 4 new teeth I can see coming through beneath her gums, poor girl. Anyhow, I rocked her back to sleep like I did months and months ago. She hasn't fallen asleep in my arms in what seems like ages and it was so nice to cuddle up with my baby girl even if it was in the wee hours of the night.

How I miss those nights when she'd sleep on my chest - that's the way we slept at night when she was first born. I wanted to soak up every minute of her and I did. As much as I miss the newborn stage, I do like the fact that life these days isn't as much of a guessing game and can appreciate the fact that she can now sleep through the night (for the most part) and that she is a little more independent.


  1. aw that picture is so sweet! i feel the same way-- sometimes i miss the newborn stage because they were so tiny and cuddly, but sometimes i realllly dont.

  2. 4 teeth! Coming in all at once? Poor Leila! But I can't wait to see her "teeth smile" And anytime I can cuddle with Mason I do! I miss those moments too but then I think about how awesome the stage is that he is going through now. Darling picture of you and Lelila, definitely one you will always cherish :)
