Sunday, February 13, 2011

1st Trip to the Park

Today felt like a nice Spring day. It was about 40 degrees out, not bad for February.
We took advantage and went to the park with our friends Erin and James.
They have a little girl Leila's age. 
She and Jadie get along so well (as well as 6 and 7 month olds can get along).
It's funny how we have become friends with people who have a kid Leila's age.
Hanging out with other parents is great because they just "get it".
We never feel the need to explain ourselves or just don't need to.

Leila and Jadie shared a couple firsts together today.
They went down the slide and
shared a swing.
It fit both of them perfectly and even gave them better support.
Leila loved the swing and was all smiles...Jadie too. 
James kept pushing them harder and neither one of them let out a squeal.

Next time we'll bring bread to feed the ducks.
We hope to have more days like this.
I'll tell ya one thing, the days sure are getting longer!


  1. oh my gosh SO cute!! i love how they're sharing a swing! adorable.

  2. yesterday was fabulous! thanks for taking initiative to get us out there, it really was such a nice day and fortunately, looks like today might be too! mind sending me the pictures, even though its gonna take "forever"? :)
