Friday, February 11, 2011

7 months

To my Leila,

Happy 7 months, my little girl. You are truly no longer a baby. I can't believe how fast its all happened. When I was pregnant and I thought about my future as a mom with a baby, it never occurred to me that you wouldn't always be a baby. I always envisioned endless stacks of tiny diapers and onsies.

You weigh 16 pounds and your hair is finally beginning to grow. Your sweet little hairs puff out over your ears and headbands. You were blessed with your daddy's genes and didn't get  much of mommy's Mexican blood (or you'd have a head full of hair). You love your daddy so much. When we hear the front door open as he arrives home from work, we stand up and head for the door. "Who's that?" I whisper to you. "Is that Daddy?" When you see him your eyes widen and a smile breaks across your face. Daddy scoops you up, his face lighting up too. Somehow you don't mind daddy's beard when he kisses you.

I realized that he is the man in which you will measure all other men. I'm filled with such gratitude and peace of mind when I think about it because he is an amazing man. I knew it when I married him and I know it more than ever now. It makes me think about my father, and the ways I love him and the ways he taught me about the world. I married someone who reminds me of him, my wish for you is that you will do the same.

This has been a month of accomplishments for you. You have learned to sit up on your own and shortly after learned to reach for toys around you, not just directly in front of you. You even fell out of your bumbo chair reaching for a toy on the table. Mommy's heart sank and luckily you were ok and only cried for 30 seconds, what a champ. Mommy learned her lesson and we are upgrading you to a high chair.

We've also started you on solids this past month. I'm still trying to experiment with different foods. You're not really interested in eating lots of things yet and you're taste buds are still getting used to the taste and texture. It'll come with time. I'm sure you're thinking, "I'd rather eat my toys mom!". You're not fond of anything other than breast milk. Rice cereal, green beans, peas, and sweet potatoes just aren't doing it for you. You're finally coming around to the taste of formula, thank goodness. We'll try introducing you to fruit this next month, I'm crossing my fingers you'll like it.

As much as I'd like to sleep in longer sometimes, I look forward to when you wake up because every morning you wake up with a smile.

No teeth in sight yet. Judging by your overall irritability I think you're teething. Poor baby. I love your gummy smile so I don't mind, I just your pain to go away.

You currently like anything involving surpises, hanging upside down in the air, and being thrown up and down. And this month you have finally come to like your car seat...most of the time. I love how you're trying to communicate more and do things on purpose. Like reach for toys around you, pat mommy's face, give open mouthed kisses, etc.

This past week has been the hardest time for you, as its been the first time you've gotten sick. The cold has gotten the best of you and you haven't been yourself. You have been extra difficult and I don't know what I can do to make you feel better, I just feel so bad. But no matter how sick you may feel, you still manage to smile. I love that about you.

Little Leila, you are growing so fast. A cliche, yes. But I'm not sad. I really have taken the advice to live each moment in the moment and enjoy every second with you. Know that I haven't missed a sneeze, a burp, a smile, a giggle. I have wonderful rich moments with you everyday. I love getting to know you, to see you discover the world around you with those blue curious eyes. I feel so humbled that I get to be a part of this special, magical time.

I love you so much. I can't imagine life without you. You teach me something new every day. Your smiles, giggles, drools, and grabby little hands...I love each and every part of you equally.

Your daddy and I love you very much.




  1. She's adorable! Can't believe she's sitting up!

  2. i like this and need to do it more often. i will copy you someday. maybe for jadies 7th :) thanks the date today--it really was lovely!

  3. Aw, I love this...and she will love having this too!
