Wednesday, February 9, 2011


At the beginning of 2010 we set some new years resolutions. 
For the very first time we kept every single one of them. 
We were stoked; and now anxious to set resolutions for 2011! 
One of Eric's personal resolutions is to lose weight.
Let me tell you that my awesome hubby has done a complete 180. This isn't just a phase, its a lifestyle change!

Since the new year he's:

-hit the gym every morning before work
-hasn't had food from any establishment with a drive thru
-cut WAY back on the sweets (I started him on this bad habit)
-started counting calories (not like us AT ALL but it totally works and is key in trying to lose weight!)

Eric was doing this on his own. After all, I've got a baby to feed and need to consume an extra 500 calories a day (so I thought). So at first, this new life change of his affected me. Sometimes I wanted fast food when we were on the go (fast, easy, and cheap) and was so annoyed that he wouldn't make any exceptions. Eating healthy isn't cheap. He was more serious than I thought. I was a bad influence and should have been more supportive. I'm sorry babe. I'm better now because his good eating habits are rubbing off on me and I LIKE IT!

Eric's lost inches and pounds. Without much effort I've lost some weight too. Sweeeeeet! All I've done is cut out ice cream and a treat here or there. Surprisingly enough it was pretty easy. Never thought that was possible because I have the biggest sweet tooth ever and Cold Stone is my weakness.

Now, we're on this journey together.

Two things really did it for me:

1. Eric's example

2. My Fitness Pal app. 

My Fitness Pal is a calorie counter. Never thought in a million years that EITHER one of us would ever use a calorie's just so much work and you really have to think about everything you're eating. Which is a good thing. Eric showed me the ropes and now I'm hooked because its like a game to see if I can stay within my calorie intake goal. I downloaded the app tonight and tracked my entire day. I ate 1680 calories including 2 pieces of chocolate. I entered my weight and my goal weight and my magic calorie intake number is...1640. I pretty much did that today without even trying...AND I pumped all day (yes, I've started pumping and I think I'm back in the game). I burn approximately 20 calories per ounce. I googled "how to lose weight SAFELY while breastfeeding". I learned that I need to consume at least 1500 calories to maintain my milk supply and its safe to exercise. That's awesome good news.

Counting calories is eye opening and makes me think twice about the things I eat. 
Now I just gotta add some exercise in the mix and my beach body will be here in no time.
I've never been on a diet in my life and haven't ever tried to lose weight. The only time I've ever lost a pound was when I popped out my little princess.

Pre-pregnancey weight: 136
Today's weight: 134.4!
Goal: 130 (at least)

I've never been under 130 but if my diet and exercise habits get me in the 120's I'd be stoked!

1 comment:

  1. i'm glad you shared this cuz i just signed up for the fitness pal app & i love it! i got erin to do it too :)
