Tuesday, February 22, 2011


We received a package today.

The Nikon D7000 baby!

Eric's always wanted a DSLR. He currently owns a 35mm and is a pretty good photographer. He's even placed in some photo contests. Owning a DSLR has never been on the top of my list until...we had a baby. I take pictures of Leila everyday and my point and shoot isn't cutting it. My photos are either too blurry, too bright, or too dark. Now I'm the one that wants a  DSLR more than ever. We've been doing our research for some time, Nikon v. Canon. Eric's talked to his fellow Best Buy coworkers and we decided to go with the Nikon.

Isn't it sexy? Yes. But it also looks intimidating. It's time to get my Groupon on. A couple weeks ago there was a Groupon that offered $39 for a 4 hour photography class - valued at $495. I can't wait to take the class, it'll teach me how to use my DSLR and other helpful tips.

The second it arrived I opened it up and unwrapped everything. I couldn't figure out how to put the lens on so I had to wait for Eric to get home...yeah, I need to take the class ASAP. We played with it and it takes AWESOME pictures. We're STOKED!!!


  1. Nice choice! I have to say I am partial to Nikon myself. Saving up for the D800 that is supposed to be released sometime this year...plus some sweet lenses--that is really where your wallet will get tapped.

    I hope you learn a lot in your classes. I've found that once you learn what all those little buttons are for it just takes practice shooting, shooting, shooting--but with kids there are plenty of opportunities! Can't wait to see your stuff!

  2. That is so exciting! You will love having a DLSR. Happy Birthday to Eric too!

  3. exciting!!! i always borrow my brothers, but still, i dont know how to use it and sadly, am not too motivated to find out. perfect arrival time for you though, just before summer!

  4. OH MY GOSH i'm so jealous!! i would die to have that camera!

  5. Very exciting! We love ours, you are going to LOVE it!!! The picture quality is definitely amazing.
