Monday, February 14, 2011


Best. Date. Ever. Period.

The surprise:

That night, we bypassed the Valentine's day rush and crappy service for an intimate dinner for two at "Grandma and Grandpa's Restaurant" aka Eric's parents house. 
Eileen did all the hard work. She made us a fabulous meal complete with a table decorated to the nines. She LOVES decorating tables, its her specialty and always goes above and beyond. 
It was complete with candles, bouquet of beautiful fresh flowers, Hershey's kisses, and heart shaped couldn't get that at a restaurant!
The menu: chicken and plum sauce (amazing), asparagus, salad, rolls and sparkling cider (gotta have the bubbly). Everything was divine.

This was much more intimate than going out to dinner. I loved it. Everything was perfect.
Thank you Mike and Eileen for a wonderful meal, gorgeous table, and for entertaining our little one.

Grandma gave Leila a cute valentine cat that sings.
Grandpa playing with Leila.

The night didn't end there...oh no it didn't!
For dessert we went to the Grand America Hotel for 
"An Evening of Chocolate and Jazz".
This is where we spent our first night as Mr. & Mrs. Fuessel. I married such a romantic.

We had the BEST seat in the house.
Close to the band and right next to the fireplace.
We had a three course dessert:
Strawberry caviar.
3 trays of delicious goodness.

We felt like important people because the service was AMAZING and we were treated like Kings.
We listened to awesome music played by a live band.
It was quiet, intimate, and warm. 
We had great conversation and learned new things about each other. 
Great ambiance, and even better company.
Therefore, dubbed the best date ever!
I love my hubby.
Thank you for the best Valentine's yet.