Saturday, February 5, 2011


Date Day.

Grandma and Grandpa Fuessel love watching Leila on Saturdays...we are so lucky! It's great to have some time to ourselves, they are the best. 

To start our day we headed back up to Daybreak so we can finish checking out the rest of the model homes. Last Saturday we were gung-ho about Daybreak and were ready to buy soon, however, today we left unsure. We really want a single family home, but there are some town homes that we fell in love with that are gorgeous and in our price range! Today we learned that HOA fee's for a town home are $200, for a single family its $100. Guess what the extra $100 gets you: 
you don't have to mow your lawn...whoopty freakin' do. $200 in HOA is ridiculous! 

A large town home and a single family home are similar in at that point we feel like we should just buy a single family. Also, the average person spends $10,000 in upgrades. We added up the upgrades we want and it totals about that. 

Buying a home is such a big decision. We are on the fence about many things and we're still trying to decide whats best for our family. Obviously, right now is a great time to buy a home, but we want to make sure its the right home in our price range. After seeing every model home in Daybreak, we went to dinner at Zupas to talk it over. 

We chatted about life and our future. 

1. Do we buy a home?

2. Do we wait and save $$$ to get the home we want or settle for what we can afford and get something Daybreak.

3. Find a home not in Daybreak...nah, I'm pretty set on Daybreak and all of its wonderful amenities.

 If we suck it up and stay where we live a little longer we can put more money in savings. Although, we are pretty ready to get out of the storage business...especially so Leila can have a room of her own. Currently, she sleeps in the laundry/water heater/furnace room. Yes, its big enough for a crib and dresser but it worries me. Here's a picture of it. (The curtains hide everything and make it feel more like a bedroom).

We aren't ready to take the plunge yet...we have some more thinking to do.

Next we hit up the movies...its been a while. Going to the movies is a luxury now.
We saw The Dilemma. Loved it...its a comedy with depth. 


  1. haha i love the last comment about how going to the movies is a luxury now.. it's so true.

  2. My advice...don't settle. If it means you wait a little longer I'd wait. BUT if you've found something you love and in your price range doooo it! Homeownership is great (most of the time). Especailly when you have a little one. Plus, Daybreak is beautiful and so convenient.

    Ok, I'm done commenting. Sorry! I'm a rambler...we just need a girls night so we can chat!
