Friday, February 18, 2011


Eric received a birthday package in the mail from Alaska today! His brother Greg and fiancée Shasta have lived there for a LONG year and a half. We used to hang out all the time and miss them like crazy. Looking forward to this fall when they come home for good! They are to be wed on our 5 year anniversary. March 18 can't come soon enough!
Greg and and Shasta are entrepreneurs and started their own clothing company called Flake.
They hooked Eric up with a slew of their slouchy beanies (you know I'll be rockin' them too) and die-cut stickers for his birthday (beanies are only $10 on their website, check check check it out). adorable does Leila look? She rocks the slouchy beanie well.

Date Night:

Don't look so excited Eric. He's either very hungry or not so happy that I'm taking his picture. Probably the later. Around our home we like to celebrate birthday's for a week. So here's the start to Eric's birthday week.
Can you say free birthday meal at Tucanos? Meat fried meat with meat sauce here we come.
We stuffed ourselves to the max with our good friends Laura and Guthrie.
They left little Violet with her grandma.
Leila was sad her little buddy didn't come and fussed the ENTIRE night. can be such a handful sometimes. I really think those chompers are coming in because one minute she'll be totally fine, and a second later she'll be crying at the top of her lungs and tears rolling down her face. It kills me to see her so upset...I wish I knew the reason. Teething is my only explanation. My poor baby. It's so unfair that my little innocent baby girl has to suffer. If only I could suffer the pain for her.

I'm still trying to remember to take pictures of everything for Project 365. Tonight, I didn't remember until we were almost out the door. This is the best picture we got. 
Laura and I are grabbing a handful of Pao de Queijo (Brazillian cheese balls) and fried banana for the road. Sometimes I'm tempted to line my pockets with ziploc baggies so I can stuff it with food. Eric would never allow it! What can I say, it must be the Mexican in me (and I get it from my mom - she'll always put food in her purse for later...hey...we paid for it right?!?) 
Eric and Guthrie must have pounded like 30 of those delicious cheese rolls combined. Well, they'll be happy to know I found a recipe. My friend made them the other day and said they were the easiest thing to make. I'll need to put my Brazillian cooking skills to work. 

1 comment:

  1. i love the tucanos birthday cards! its the only time we ever go!
