Wednesday, February 23, 2011


I'm beat and ready for bed. It's been a long day. I wanted to stay up until midnight to welcome Eric's 28th birthday. Don't think that'll be happening. Sorry babe...actually, I doubt you'll last that long either. Right now I'm sitting on the couch with my laptop and Eric is calculating his calories for the meal I just made (teriyaki chicken bowls). He will soon join me with his laptop too. We have become so disconnected with technology. 

Eric is testing out the new camera...everything looks so crisp!
It's almost 9 and we just put Leila down for the night. We got a late start because I brought her to the enrichment activity with me (recipe swap) to give Eric a chance to play some xbox. Our normal night is as follows: bathe Leila around 7:30/8, feed her, swaddle her, sing to her, put her down. Then its time for out alone time, we cuddle on the couch and watch the tube (The Bachelor, HGTV, Food Network) and are in bed by 11ish (could be asleep before then because we are so exhaustpiped...we really have become lightweights).

For the past 3 nights Leila has slept from 8pm-7:45am straight! A full nights rest feels amazing, but somehow I still feel sleep deprived. She used to wake up at 2am and 5am for her feeding. A month ago I started weaning her off the 2am feeding. It took about 3 weeks off and on (I wasn't super consistent). Last week she only woke up at 5, and this week at 7:40. Leila is finally learning to sleep thru the night. I never thought the day would come because she is a stubborn girl and doesn't like change. Hope I'm not speaking too soon, it's only been a few nights.The past 2 nights I have woken up around the same time waiting for her to wake up... and nothing. I find myself going in to check if she's still breathing. I hope this lasts, I will be one happy momma. Once she starts sleeping thru the night I'll start weaning her off being swaddled.

It's late. I'm out. Peace. 


  1. Doubt I'll last that long? Them's fightin words!

  2. I am so proud of Leila! Congratulations mommy on getting a full nights rest. You will somehow miss those late night feedings though. Something about that bonding time together.

  3. that's so exciting that she's been sleeping through the night!! i bet it feels amazing.

  4. It's so nice when babies sleep through the night. And no need to wean her off of being swaddled. She'll learn how to get out of it, and won't need it as much.
