Thursday, February 17, 2011


We busted out Leila's highchair this week. She looks like such a big girl.

So she's still not diggin' the veggies.
When Leila wakes up from a nap, I'll usually feed her milk then solids once or twice a day. I was told to feed her milk first by someone I trust (pediatrician, friend, website...ha, I don't remember). The reason being is that she won't be beyond hungry and refuse to eat her food.
Well, I needed to try something different today so I offered veggies FIRST. I don't know why I haven't tried this earlier.

She still made her funny faces but swallowed about 7 bites!
Way to go Leila, I couldn't believe it.
It usually takes this girl 3-4 meals to finish a 2.5 ounce jar of veggies, and
most of it gets on her face.

To think that in 5 months Leila will start eating the foods we eat is mind boggling.
I hope she'll be ready.
You need to get in the habit child. I know you'll come around, I just didn't think it'd take this long.

I can't get over her facial it really that bad Leila?


  1. hahaha i love her facial expressions!

  2. The dreaded veggies. We still struggle here at the Knight house...

    Your blog is awesome! I love it. Glad you've made a comeback.

  3. So darling I love her cute little face. It almost looks like she is gaging on it:)

  4. Um the above was me I guess I dont know how to post a comment.....
