Thursday, February 3, 2011


I've been here all day today...
and will be until 6:30. 
Leila is just hangin' around.
That jumper will usually keep her entertained for about 15 min,
enough to get me some work done until her nap time.
I heart nap time.

Highlight of my day today:
After almost 48 hrs of being frozen,
my pipes finally thawed.
Alleluia, I can make
dinner tonight.
(this happens several times during the winter,
and no I can't wrap my pipes).

By the way, this sunny weather is deceiving. Its gorgeous out and there
isn't a single cloud in the sky. Want to go for a stroll but I don't dare in this
 22 degree weather ("feels like" 13).
Can I just say I'm so glad January is over.
It's always the coldest month out of the year and now that its over it
just means that
spring is that much closer.

I mean, there are only 28 days in February.
And it's going to fly by because we
have 2 reasons to party hardy this month:

1. The obvious...Valentines day! (we usually do something fun and the hubs can be a romantic when he tries).
2. The hubs' birthday is on the 24th. Yay! We already got the Tucano's birthday coupon in the
 mail and I can't wait to use it! I love me some meat fried meat with meat sauce.


  1. Wow, I'm noticing quite a pattern here in our blogs. Our lives are just so similar right now! Playdates, motherhood, ice castles :) But it's a wonderful life, wouldn't you say?

  2. P.S. Amen about this cold weather. SO glad it's february

  3. Sunny and 60 today and St. better head south for winter :)

    Tucanos. Meatatarians unite.
